Spiritual Teaching from the Hindu Tradition

"The search after Truth is the one thing by which the shape of human life should be determined. Genuine desire itself opens the road to fulfilment."    

Sri Anandamayi Ma

Om Sri Ram

All this, which is His creation, is under His dispensation, in His presence and is He.


In whatever state He keeps anyone at any time it is all for the good, for verily everything is ordained by Him,

is of His.

     Relative happiness, which is happiness depending on anything, must end in grief. It is man’s duty to meditate on God, Who is peace itself. Without having recourse to that which aids the remembrance of God there can be no peace .Have you not seen what life in this world is? The one to be loved is God. In Him is everything --- Him you must try to find.


If anything is to be had — whatsoever, in whatever way — it must be had of Him alone.

Man’s bounden duty as a human being is to seek refuge at His Feet.

Days glide on; already you have let so many go by; anchored in patience endeavour to pass the few remaining.

Every moment belongs to God; Endeavour to keep your mind dedicated to His Feet. God, the Ocean -of Mercy, who ever blesses the world, pours out His grace at all times. It is incumbent on man to consider every­thing that happens to be for the best: ‘For the best’ denoting what is most helpful towards the realization of the Divine, the realization of the fullness of Bliss.

The ceaseless,  never-ending current of divine Mercy and Compassion ever flows forth; in that current one should bathe.

From Matri Vani, Divine Wisdom of Sri Anandamayi Ma

To tell the truth, while some people undoubtedly do approach this body in quest of Reality, very many come only to get their desires and longings fulfilled.

By sorrow does the Lord dispel sorrow and by adversity does He destroy adversity. When this is done He sends no more suffering

— this must be borne in mind at all times.
